When in 2022 they contacted me to ask me to be their photographer I was honored and tremendously happy, because every time someone chooses you it is an adrenaline rush. This wedding was a beautiful experience. I met a couple of infinite sweetness, a great availability and especially attentive and caring. I have never felt so loved.
A wedding in the land of Barolo for sensitive palates and lovers of good wine. Because in the end, love is a bit like uncorking the most precious bottle you have.
I have discovered many new nuances that I will certainly bring with me in my work.
The outdoor ceremony in a place of unique beauty like the Horszowski auditorium in Monforte D’Alba made this wedding unique. In short, a unique place where they can celebrate their wedding.
And for this, Jesper and Johana were fascinated by this magical place , where silence and peace reign unchallenged. The uncertainty of the weather and the clouds did not in the least discourage the joy of this couple.